Self Defense

Thank you to the 60+ participants who shared your experiences in the Wheaton self-defense class with Marilyn Scribner, and your reflections on its impact throughout your life.

This dissertation research would be impossible without your contributions.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Marilyn & Amanda
Summer 2021

This website is currently dedicated to the PhD dissertation research of Amanda Allen, which is ongoing as of summer 2022.

This research project is a case study examining how participating in a Christian self-defense course impacted the faith-lives of students, as well as how it helped them to respond to violence against women as Christians, both at the time they took the class, and in the years since.

Did you attend Wheaton College (IL) any time between 1968 and 2011?

Did you take the for-credit self-defense class while at Wheaton?

If yes to both questions, CONGRATULATIONS!

You are eligible to participate in this study!!!

**The data collection is finished. Check back to see preliminary results, coming soon**

Contact Information

If you have any questions about this study, please contact me at: Amanda.allen@ezerselfdefense.com or Amanda.allen@asburyseminary, or Asbury Theological Seminary's Institutional Review Board at irb@asburyseminary.edu.